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Found 2927 results for any of the keywords a dementia. Time 0.009 seconds.
Dementia diagnosis | Alzheimer s SocietyFind out how to get a dementia diagnosis and why it can help you access the right support. Diagnosis stages are different for everyone and we can offer advice and a symptoms checklist to help you speak to your doctor.
Our people - Finders InternationalMeet the team at Finders. Find names and contact details for our staff.
Bath & Toilet | Mobility TradeSet up a dementia friendly bathroom with products such as shower seats or coloured grab rails and dementia friendly coloured toilet seats
Types of dementia | Alzheimer s SocietyDementia is a group of symptoms. It’s caused by different diseases that damage the brain. These diseases affect the brain in different ways, resulting in different types of dementia.
Dementia symptoms | Alzheimer s Society This information looks at common symptoms and signs of dementia, how it progresses and how to discuss your symptoms with your doctor.
Caring for a person with dementia: A practical guide | Alzheimer s SocAre you supporting someone living with dementia? Get your copy of the latest version of our guide for carers.
Donate to Dementia Australia | Regular GivingBecome a Dementia Fighter by making a tax-deductible monthly donation to Dementia Australia.
What is dementia? | Alzheimer s SocietyDementia describes a group of symptoms that include problems with memory, thinking or language, and changes in mood, emotions, perception and behaviour.
Dementia Support Line | Alzheimer s SocietyIf you need dementia support, we’re here for you. Get personalised information, support and advice by calling us on 0333 150 3456.
Dementia support services | Alzheimer s SocietyAlzheimer s Society provides help and hope to anyone affected by dementia. Call our support line, join our online community, find support in your local area or get dementia information.
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